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Beloit teaches both applied mathematics, which stresses problems arising through contact with nature and society, and pure mathematics, which addresses problems of intrinsic aesthetic interest. Students are free to choose to concentrate on one or the other. The faculty attempts to set the beauty, rigor, and usefulness of mathematics within its historical context and multicultural heritage. Courses guide students toward the ability to give clear oral and written expression of the mathematical ideas they learn.
- Nine departmental units (at level 110 or higher) including:
- Mathematics 150 (.5).
- Four units of mathematics courses numbered between 300 and 380, inclusive and including at least two from the following: Mathematics 315, 335, 340, 375.
- Four additional units of mathematics electives at level 110 or higher.
- Mathematics 385 (.5) (capstone course).
- Supporting courses (3 units):
- One unit of computer science, excluding computer science 165, 390 (except by permission), 395, and the AP Computer Science Principles exam.
- Two courses in physics, or 1 course in physics and 1 course emphasizing quantitative methods, chosen in consultation with the major advisor.
- Mathematics majors are encouraged to do an internship or field experience involving the application of mathematics. Prospective graduate students are advised to take at least two terms of a modern foreign language, preferably French or Japanese.
- Writing/communication requirement: Mathematics students should learn both how to write prose and how to write mathematics. Majors must take at least 5 courses designated by the college as W, at least 2 of which must be from inside the mathematics/computer science department and at least 2 of which must be from outside the department. (Transfer students reduce this by 1 course per year of advanced standing.) Departmental courses that qualify include 205, 230, 300, 310, 315, 340, and 385, and other courses as designated by the instructor.
Mathematicians need to know both how to write for other professionals in the field and how to report their work to others not necessarily trained in the discipline. Professional writing for mathematicians is usually proof-based. Many of the department’s upper-level courses focus on such writing. Explaining our work to nonprofessionals often requires significantly different skills. While some departmental courses emphasize this type of writing, often the best training for this is writing courses in other disciplines. Consequently, mathematics majors are required to take writing courses both within and outside the department.
- Mathematics majors are encouraged to attend Mathematics Colloquium regularly each semester in which they are in residence in their junior and senior.
Students majoring in mathematics may choose to receive the Bachelor of Science degree rather than the Bachelor of Arts degree by completing a minimum of 4 units in biology, chemistry, geology, and/or physics.
- Five and three-quarters departmental units:
- Mathematics 110, 115, 150 (.5), 275, and 383 (.25).
- Two units of mathematics at level 200 or above. At least 1 of these units must be chosen from 315, 335, 340, or 375.
Additional Information
Supplemental to the college’s general policies for advanced placement and credit (see chapter 5 of the course catalog and, the department of mathematics and computer science grants credit for AP, IB, or Level-A exams as follows:
- College Entrance Examination Board’s (CEEB) Advanced Placement Exams:
- Calculus AB, or AB subscore of BC exam: A score of 4 or 5 earns credit for MATH 110.
- Calculus BC: A score of 4 or 5 earns credit for MATH 110 and MATH 115.
- International Baccalaureate Exam:
- A score of 5 or higher earns credit for MATH 110; for other scores, no credit is earned and students should consult with math faculty to determine placement.
- Level A Math (9709) and Further Math (9231):
- A grade of C or better in either course earns credit for MATH 110. Students may consult with the department regarding potential placement beyond MATH 115.
The goals of departmental honors in Mathematics and Computer Science are:
- to encourage students to explore independently topics in mathematics or computer science outside the scope of our formal curriculum, and
- to enhance students’ abilities to communicate ideas in mathematics and computing.
Honors in Mathematics is awarded on the basis of the following criteria.
- Academic achievement. The candidate must demonstrate high academic achievement across the College (cumulative GPA of at least 3.2) and in Mathematics (GPA of at least 3.2 in the major).
- Intention to apply: The candidate must submit an intention to apply for honors (in writing), including the list of courses that satisfy the requirements for the major, to the chair of the Mathematics and Computer Science Department no later than the last day to add one-unit courses for the last on-campus term as a regular full-time student.
- Project: An honors student in Mathematics either engages in original research or exposits and demonstrates thorough knowledge of a piece of mathematics done by others. The project may be
- A summer research experience
- A Math 385: Mathematics Colloquium topic
- Presentation: An honors student in Mathematics must present their work in Math 385: Mathematics Colloquium (enrolled or not) and present to an external audience (on or off campus).
- Professional engagement: The candidate should demonstrate active engagement in the department or in the broader discipline of mathematics and serve as a role model for respectful and professional behavior.
- The award of Honors in Mathematics requires designation by the faculty of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science that the candidate’s project and presentation is of honors merit (one that demonstrates independence of thought, intellectual maturity, and an in-depth understanding of the research problem).